
The React Native, Redux based boilerplate. Clone the repo to get init the new project

This project is maintained by thuyiya

Creat boilerplate

create this sample project from the beginning, follow the instruction given below ---

Getting Start

  1. First of all configure your machine for node environment Install Nodejs →
  2. Go to react native Docs →
  3. Follow the instruction and setup react native basic project
    1. Select build projec with native code
    2. Select by you Os
    3. Install node brew install node && brew install watchman
    4. Install React Native Cli npm install -g react-native-cli
  4. Create your base project using react-native init AwesomeProject
  5. Run the project cd AwesomeProject and react-native run-ios
  6. Create Editor configaration for your project (Recommended code editor VSCode)
  7. Create Eslint file and install eslint extention to your editor
  8. Install eslint-config-equimper for eslint if you want you can config with AirBnb Lint configaration.
  9. Create folder Structure that sutable for your purpose
  10. The Run The Project